Free Mobile Wifi Hotspots

WCS Parents & Guardians,

Willsboro Central School qualifies for a new program, ConnectED NY, which provides free mobile wifi hotspots to students with either no home internet access or unreliable home internet access. The program will provide an AT&T hotspot to each student that qualifies with free data through the end of June 2022. Teachers will send home an informational flyer and a permission slip later this week for anyone interested.

ConnectEDNY Flyer

ConnectedEDNY Permission Slip

In order for a student to receive a hotspot, the form must be completed, signed, and returned no later than Tuesday, March 30th.

Also, each student may request their own hotspot. If you have multiple children, a separate form is needed for each child. If you have any questions regarding this new program, please contact us by email at