In consultation with the Essex County Health Department, Willsboro CSD will be following the NYSED Health and Safety Guide, until and unless updated or additional guidance or mandates are released from NYSED or other governing bodies (Governor’s Office or NYSDOH).
- Encouraged for all eligible faculty, staff, and students
Monitoring Community Transmission
- WCS will rely on the Essex County Health Department to assist with this.
Wearing Masks
- Masks are required to be worn inside
- Masks are not required to be worn outside
- Mask breaks will occur
- Students may remove masks when eating breakfast or lunch in the cafeteria
Physical Distancing and Cohorting
- Students will remain separated by 3-6ft whenever possible
Sports and Extracurricular Activities
- Masks are required to be worn inside
- Masks are not required to be worn outside
- COVID testing may be required to participate
COVID Screening Testing to Promptly Identify Cases, Clusters, and Outbreaks
- WCS will rely on the Essex County Health Department to assist with this.
Temperature and Questionnaire Screenings
- There will not be a formal temperature or screening process. The act of arriving at school is the employee, student (or parent on behalf of the student) attesting that they are not sick and do not have COVID symptoms.
Good Handwashing and Respiratory Etiquette
- Everyone is encouraged to wash their hands regularly
- Everyone is encouraged to cover a cough and/or sneeze
- Staying Home When Sick and Getting Tested
- Employees and Students should not report to school if they are sick or are experiencing COVID related symptoms
- Employees and Students should get tested if they are experiencing COVID related symptoms
Contact Tracing, in Combination with Isolation and Quarantine
- WCS will rely on the Essex County Health Department to assist with this.
Remote Instruction
- Will not be offered at this time
Parent Resources
WCS Daily Health Screening Survey
Parent/Student Digital Tools Tutorials
Parent Guide to Google Classroom
Parent Guide to Google Classroom Emails
District Updates
COVID Notification Letter 1-25-21
COVID Notification Letter 1-11-21
COVID Notification Letter 1-8-21
COVID Notification Letter 1-7-21
COVID Notification Letter 1-6-21